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Optimize the logistics of your advertising and promotional materials: POS, goodies, trade marketing.

Marketing operations and advertising actions are logistical challenges. Discover how Stockoss optimizes the distribution of POS and goodies in points of sale

Faustine Caradeux
Responsable Marketing, Stockoss
Stockoss - publi promotionnel - goodies - plv

How to distribute the numerous POS tools in a very short time in numerous points of sale throughout the country? How to coordinate the action of field sales representatives and the directives of the marketing department? How to design, store, and distribute these elements in a rational and responsible manner? This is where modern logistics solutions, such as those offered by Stockoss, come into play to revolutionize the sector.


The promotion of a commercial activity is always an essential element in its development. When distributing your products in physical stores (in-house, via specialized retailers or via mass distribution), when managing pop-ups, or during events, it is necessary to develop and implement commercial materials (called public-promotional materials) on site to attract customers and inform them about products and possible promotions or special operations at the point of sale. Point of sale advertising (POS) is therefore an essential process for capture the attention of consumers and increase the visibility of brands.

Whether they are banners, displays, or promotional items such as goodies, these supports play a key role in marketing campaigns in the field. And to guarantee the success of these campaigns, effective logistics management is essential: how to distribute the numerous POS tools in a very short time in numerous points of sale throughout the country? How to coordinate the action of field sales representatives and the directives of the marketing department? How to design, store, and distribute these elements in a rational and responsible manner?

That's where modern logistics solutions, such as those offered by Stockoss, are coming into play to revolutionize the sector.

The challenges of distributing promotional material, POS and Goodies

Keeping up with marketing campaigns

In general, marketing campaigns follow very tight schedules, dictated by specific events, product launches, specialized fairs, or key promotional periods such as sales or the end of year holidays. It is common for these events to occur at the same time in your stores and your distributor network, as well as with your competitors, making it even more so. complex the logistical management of POS materials and goodies. Indeed, during seasonal peaks or specialized fairs, how can you find a carrier capable of honoring an order on time, even when demand is very high and logistical resources are overstretched? The responsiveness of your logistician is therefore a determining factor.. Logistics management must be agile and capable of absorbing the peaks of activity linked to the various campaigns... without generating additional costs.

Ensuring the distribution of promotional materials (POS and goodies): the problem of volumes and diversity of materials

No two campaigns are the same, no two events can use the same elements. To be effective, marketing requires innovation and diversity. This can be found in the nature of the materials used for advertising at the points of sale. Their format and quality are very varied. : cardboard displays, furniture, posters, stickers, stickers, stickers, kakemonos, banners, digital displays, but also flyers, flyers... The size, weight and quantity of tools for a single campaign are thus very diverse.

He is going Likewise if you distribute goodies to your customers : from the T-shirt to the sticker, from the personalized pen to your sign to the USB stick, the number and format of your gifts can differ greatly from one campaign to another or within the same event.

The question then arises: how to distribute equipment that is so disparate in size, format, fragility and volume, without making mistakes, oversights and breakages? Or, to summarize the problem, How to completely customize the logistics of your campaign to achieve your goals within the deadlines you sets?

Ensure the distribution of promotional material (POS and goodies): the management of sector managers and field sales representatives

The effective distribution of POS and goodies is not only about managing the volumes and diversity of materials, but also about the ability to quickly and correctly supply sales teams in the field. Sector managers and other field salespeople must have the right tools for their events or commercial activities, regardless of where they are located.

To guarantee this flexibility, adapted technology is essential. With Stockoss, each sector manager has access to all or part of the stock via a centralized platform. They can thus place their own orders according to their specific needs, ensuring delivery on time and in the right place. This avoids errors, lack of equipment or delays, while simplifying the logistical management of each campaign across all regions worked.

Comply with traceability and monitoring requirements

In this context where deadlines are critical, the traceability of POS materials and goodies throughout the supply chain is essential for avoid excesses, delays and deal with potential incidents. Your marketing and sales teams must be constantly informed of the status of shipments, stocks and deliveries in order to be able to adjust their actions in real time.

However, traditional logistics platforms, which are very efficient for standard deliveries and large volumes, often have difficulties with personalized orders. They combine a certain lack of flexibility in their processes to a customer approach that remains quite rudimentary : they are quite limited in terms of transparent and immediate access to stock management and delivery data. This inherent nature of large logistics companies makes it difficult to optimize flows and to precisely manage campaigns.

How Stockoss is reinventing POS and Goodies logistics

Stockoss, logistics 2.0

The logistics platform offered by Stockoss redefines the standards of the 3PL logistics profession: it is thanks to optimized management of stocks and logistics flows that we can offer personalized, fast and efficient services. Our approach is to take care of the entire supply chain of your business and to avoid the complexity of its management. You keep control of operations at all times by having visibility and monitoring in real time; so you can intervene directly at each stage. Our performance and the agility of our services are based on:

  • One inventory and flow management software intuitive for simplified management,
  • One large network of warehouses and carriers partners covering the entire territory and allowing flexible logistics that can be configured to your needs,
  • One dedicated customer service that guarantees you personalized support.

Flexibility and agility for a logistics platform at your service

Public-promotional materials, POS and goodies must be stored, shipped and returned, if necessary, to a storage warehouse in the best conditions. Some products are particularly fragile, such as cardboard displays for example, others so small that they can be easily lost, such as badges or stickers, goodies.. It is our job to take into account all these characteristics and to organize storage such as transport, installations and uninstallations in an optimal manner.

Our ability to adapt precisely to your needs in terms of distribution of POS and goodies is based on: teams trained in all logistical eventualities and in great reactivity. This flexibility is essential to meet the requirements of marketing campaigns where POS displays need to be deployed quickly and installed efficiently. The large number of warehouses and partner carriers allows us to deliver all your points of sale or events at the same time, thus ensuring an ideal strike force. With Stockoss, the management of POS and goodie flows becomes much simpler and more responsive, thus reducing the risks of delays or poor stock management.

State-of-the-art technology for a tailor-made service

Thanks to powerful and specialized logistics software, Stockoss allows its customers to monitor all phases of their operations in real time, thus offering optimized and transparent management. So you can benefit from a dedicated interface on which you can customize your dashboard. This allows you to visualize the status of your stocks, to track the shipments of POS and goodies, to obtain personalized reports...

This visibility across all operations allows your marketing teams to make informed decisions, based on the evolution of stocks and restocking needs. And during specific campaigns, a last-minute change is easy to make, since you have all the parameters to manage your operations.

Stockoss allows you to meet environmental requirements

The justified rise in environmental concerns in the face of the critical issues facing our planet is leading companies to be more and more attentive to the ecological impact of their actions. This, of course, includes marketing and sales activities. Stockoss, committed to sustainable logistics, integrates this dimension into its practices:

  • Recourse to fleets with a lower CO2 footprint,
  • Increased visibility on your products in stock, in order to better optimize their manufacture, avoid duplications and over-stocks,
  • Follow-up of your POS and goodies : each time we return to the warehouse, we note the condition of your marketing materials by offering sustainable transport solutions and promoting the reuse of POS displays. Thanks to our platform, it is possible to categorize POS displays according to their condition. It's up to you to decide whether to reuse or recycle them. If you opt for the second solution, our carriers will deposit your obsolete products in a suitable recycling location.

Multi-channel shipments and deliveries

We deliver until the last mile. Thus, you will receive your POS materials and your goodies at points of sale, in your company or with your sales teams, at your choice. Our multi-channel logistics is designed to provide you with an efficient tailor-made service while optimizing costs and delivery times.

Stockoss, logistical innovation at the service of your marketing strategy

In terms of marketing and commercial operations, efficient logistics maximizes the impact of these materials on points of sale, while reducing costs and the risk of delays. Thanks to solutions like the Stockoss platform, brands can now rely on modern, agile and easy to activate logistics.

Faustine Caradeux
Responsable Marketing, Stockoss
Discover how From Future optimizes its logistics of pop-ups and points of sale

With its rapid expansion, From Future sees its storage and flow management needs for its stores and corners grow exponentially. Faced with these logistical challenges, its collaboration with Stockoss represents a strategic turning point, allowing for more efficient and adapted management of its logistics.

Ready to digitalize your logistics?

Access your stock status, supplier orders and stock entry and exit flows in real time, all from a single platform

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