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How to choose the right BtoB logistics partner in 2024?

Find the six essential steps to choose a good logistics partner that will support you in the growth of your business

Jean-Pierre Loisel
Rédacteur Web
BtoB logistics partner - Stockoss

A company, however successful it may be, can encounter great difficulties if its supply chain is deficient. Problems in logistics functions can quickly discredit the company in the eyes of its customers. To ensure that your logistics do not become your Achilles heel, you can turn to third-party logistics services. But which logistics partner should we turn to? Here are all our tips to make sure you make the right choice.


A company, however successful it may be, can encounter great difficulties if its supply chain is deficient. Problems encountered in logistical functions can quickly discredit the company in the eyes of its customers. To ensure that your logistics do not become your Achilles heel, you can turn to third-party logistics services. But which logistics partner should we turn to? Here are all our tips to make sure you make the right choice.

Why is a good logistics partner essential?

A good logistics partner plays a vital role in your supply chain. It not only ensures the delivery of goods on time, but also optimizes the storage, packaging and monitoring of your deliveries. So he can Help reduce your costs while improving operational efficiency and ensuring customer satisfaction five stars.

The use of third-party logistics services (3PL) increases businesses of demanding, long-term, and staff-intensive tasks. As customer requests become ever more complex, Logistics operations require ever more technicality, adaptability and rigor. Choosing a logistics partner is thus becoming a major challenge in the development and success of businesses.

1. Start by evaluating the reliability and reputation of the candidate logistics partner

Not being able to count on the reliability of the services of an external partner is totally Prohibitive in terms of logistics. He can be cheaper than the competition, more accommodating on deadlines or additional tasks, what is required of him is Total Reliability. Losing customers due to delayed or erroneous delivery is unfortunately all too common.

Luckily we are in A digital and connected world, in which every service, even every action, can be evaluated. Do not hesitate to consult sites like Trustpilot and look for customer reviews from your potential targets. One or two bad reviews don't build a reputation. On the other hand, the repetition of bad experiences is a signal that should make you turn away from the company.

Rely on your own judgment, Contacting the Preferred Service Provider. You will no doubt be invited to an appointment during which he will explain to you how it works and its conditions. Ask any sensitive questions, analyze their reactions. And, if you have the chance, Also Take Advice from Other Customers of this provider.

2. Find out which specific sectors the logistics partner's expertise covers

Each business sector has specific logistical requirements. A hotel company does not have the same needs as a textile company. Purchasing management, product storage, packaging and distribution differ widely between professional fields. Choose a logistics provider who knows exactly your business and the challenges of its supply chain. Stockoss, for example, has developed specialized expertise in Fashion sectors, cosmetics, electronics, cars and new mobilities or even the hotel industry.

Opt for an experienced partner in your sector. Learn about its customers, its missions. Interview him directly to check his skills and technical knowledge about your job. Don't Forget Either That you need a service provider able to adapt to your volume of goods and their destinations.

3. Investigate your partner's technological capabilities

Technology plays a central role in logistics management. As well as turning to a company with the most advanced technologies, you will certainly come out on top. Why? For at least four reasons.

  • First of all, advanced technology makes it possible to ensure A quality service : all operations are configured and validated on the logistics partner's software solution, eliminating most risks of error or oversight.
  • It Gives You A Access to your supply chain information in real time. You can monitor the smooth delivery of products to their final destination at any time (stores, distribution centers, pop ups, etc.), and react immediately if you notice a problem. You Can Also Manage your stocks and flows In an instant.
  • Your service provider's technological solution makes it possible to Setting up automations. For a certain number of tasks of a regular customer, there is no need to spend time explaining or initiating procedures with each new order. By automating recurring operations, you will save time.
  • Finally, who says recent software also says Easy integration with your own order and accounting system. At Stockoss, all of your data can be downloaded in CSV or Excel format. You can easily use and share them internally or with your other service providers.

4. What geographic coverage do you need?

A suitable logistics partner must offer geographic coverage adapted to your needs. This means having a local presence for efficient daily operations, while also being able to manage international deliveries if required.. A wide geographical coverage, combined with local proximity, makes it possible to respond quickly to customer requests and guarantee optimal delivery times.

The choice of the right logistics partner must be based on its transport capacities. Chez Stockoss We Work Hand in Hand With A network of carriers that makes it possible to manage all omnichannel flows (urban delivery, freight, messaging, etc.) flows. It is the ideal solution to obtain a treatment adapted to your needs, while controlling your costs.

5. Test the flexibility and adaptability of logistics partners

A new customer with new requirements? Complex requests or requests that are out of the ordinary in your business? Order volumes that are rising rapidly? Your logistics partner must be able to adapt to these constraints that arise naturally in any company. It Must In Fact Act like a real partner, able to provide you with solutions that are always adapted To your requests which may change.

If you know Be able to count on your service provider in all circumstances, you will be able to more easily plan the development of your business and confidently plan for controlled growth.

6. Fluid communication and effective customer service: a guarantee of the quality of your partner

Finally, choosing the right partner to outsource your BtoB logistics should be guided by His Ability to Communicate and to Be Available at All Times. An urgent request, a modification in extremis for a customer or the observation of a non-optimal service will be resolved quickly by telephone contacts.

Flexibility and adaptability therefore require responsive customer service. Choose A partner whose key word is service. Live delivery tracking, access to real-time information on stocks and flows allow you to identify and anticipate possible problems. A service provider who listens and is responsive will immediately be able to implement the changes necessary to restore the situation.

Enter a new logistics era with Stockoss

Stockoss is a Innovative example of a B to B logistics platform, whose sole objective is the satisfaction of its customers. We always seek to offer the solution that best suits their activities and their particularities. We achieve this thanks to our agile, responsive and economical model that has already attracted more than 200 customers. It is based on:

  • One Robust and Sophisticated Inventory and Flow Management Software, but intuitive and simple to use. You will be able to follow each operation in real time, intervene directly and thus better serve your customers.
  • One Extensive Warehouse Network in France, Belgium, Spain and Germany: there is always one near your premises with sufficient storage space for your needs.
  • One Network of More Than Fifty transporters Selected after a thorough check of their compliance with regulations, the size and composition of their vehicle fleet. In this way, you benefit from fully flexible logistics adapted to your specific needs.
  • One Customer service expert. You will have a dedicated contact person, who will know all the characteristics of your business and the requirements of your customers, in order to offer you personalized, effective and efficient support at each stage.

Do you want to optimize your supply chain by choosing the right logistics partner? Contact us To discover Our responsive team and our tailor-made solutions.

Jean-Pierre Loisel
Rédacteur Web
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